Saturday, July 31, 2010

25, I Think We Might Just Be Friends After All....

[This was actually written last night... I just didn't get a chance to post...]

Ahh, a blog after only two days! Hooray! This one shouldn’t necessarily burn your eyes from reading so much. Actually, I couldn’t help but type today, especially in this perfect environment for it. I’m back in Williamsburg at my lovely coffee shop, Fabiane’s (I’ve been here 3 times, so now, it’s mine). Another gorgeous evening in Brooklyn. All the cool kids are out and about on Bedford, hipsters galore, which is to be expected for a Friday night. I had an absolutely fantastic evening last night galavanting till the wee hours with Renaldy and friends, which was just an awesome ending to an amazing day.

View From The Rooftop At Renaldy's Work. [siiiiiiick!]

I had an outstanding interview yesterday with Big Hassle Media. One of my interviewers was from UGA! It’s always so nice to meet a fellow Bulldog outside of Georgia! The camaraderie and pride built from a major university is a truly beautiful thing. Besides the Georgia thing, the interview was just dandy in general! It was completely conversational, and I feel like the position is exactly what I’ve been looking for in my search in this city. Although, it is part-time so I would definitely need to pick up a 2nd gig to keep this whole thing going. Ahh, yes, a 2nd job. That brings me to my next point: Apple. I had pretty much given up hope on that company after being 15 min late to the interview and not having heard a single thing in a week. I figured it was a lost cause and I might as well keep looking for other options. Well, this morning I was greeted with a call back for a 3rd and final interview. At this stage in the hiring process, things are looking pretty darn good if you make it to the final round. Basically, I’m gonna just have to make sure I’m 2 hours early to avoid botching this up! If all goes according to plan, I will have 2 ideal starter jobs in the city, one of which being directly in the music industry, the other being directly surrounded by lots of other young professionals in a similar position as myself. With over 300 employees at that specific location, that makes for an ideal networking position for me. Nothing is set in stone, and I don’t want to jump the gun by any means, but if either of these, and more so, if BOTH work out, then things will be just grand, kids. Absolutely wonderful!

Yes, things have been looking good. I have reason to be extraordinarily happy. I can’t fight this good mood that is bordering on gross. I’m not saying it’s cool to be down about things, but man, I know how some people cringe at others’ optimism and positivity. I’m asking you not to do that now. I had a rough first month here in the city. I’d go so far as to say as far as “Nikki VS the Big City” goes, the city was dominating. I know it was only a month and everyone (including myself) kept reminding me that it’s damn near impossible to make something happen in such a short period of time anywhere, much less here. Yet, I couldn’t help but feel like the losing character in a game of Mortal Kombat. At night, the more I’d think about how bleak my situation was looking, the more I’d hear the voice from that game saying “FINISH HIM!” (her, in my case). I was rejected from Starbucks. STARBUCKS?! Who has a college degree and plenty of work experience and still doesn’t get a job after an interview at Starbucks!??! If that doesn’t scream “FINISH HIM!” I don’t know what does!!! I mean, I really cannot emphasize how badly I needed just the slightest positive response. A phone call. An email. Another interview, even if I didn’t get the job. I just needed something thrown my way, and I wasn’t getting a thing. A month, actually a little over a month, without a single hint of potential can be a major Debbie Downer.  Not to mention, I explained before how utterly depressing the number 25 sounded. Not just because of age, but more so because as of now, I truly still have nothing to show for that age, professionally speaking. All my friends are making something of themselves and this kid has nothing but a degree and some internship work. So I prayed, and prayed, and prayed, for a sign. Anything, really, I actually prayed for anything. Everyone asking questions like “How long are you planning on staying there without a job?” or “When is your time limit till you give in if you don’t get anything” didn’t help. You ask me those things enough and it’s going to start seeping into my brain. Then trouble brews. At that point, I have 2 choices: 1) Really let those thoughts get to me, think about them too much, get incredibly down about it and start to wonder the answer to those questions myself. OR (the route I’d much rather take) 2) Make ABSOLUTELY sure to do the exact opposite of what they’re predicting may happen. If you know me at all, you know I like proving people wrong. That, my friends, is what I’m setting out to do. So as I embark on this next week which should *hopefully* bring be good news, I’m ready to take on option 2. I’m ready to get things started. I’m ready for my career to begin… With that being said, keep your fingers crossed, and keep this kid in your prayers that something awesome will work out. Determination… failure is not an option. Bring it on, NYC. You had the lead for a little over a month. It’s time to even up the score.  I’m predicting NYC 1 – NIK 1 by the end of the week!!! Here we go….

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