Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Quarter Of A Century... Say It Ain't So...

Dear Blogspot,
I’m sure you thought I had abandoned you. You haven’t seen any love in about 2 weeks. No pics. No videos. No words. Alas, baby, I haven’t forgotten about you. Truth is, I think about you a lot. I just can’t be tied down right now. I can’t make the commitment to post a blog once every few days or even once a week. But then again, I also don’t want to lose you. So, here I am. Asking for a second chance, if you’ll have me.

Sorry, guys, for the long awaited post. I’m sure you kids have been anxiously checking your subscription on a regular basis to see if I’ve posted another long and overly detailed blog about my New York adventures. Alas, I have been out of town, and life has finally been chaotic! CHAOS! I LOVE IT! Who would have thought someone would want such a thing in their life?? Truth is, I thrive off of chaos. I live for a hectic schedule. My attention span is short, so I need lots going on to stay fully entertained.
Travel is a GREAT form of such a distraction. Airports are chaotic by nature. 9.5 times out of 10 you’ll leave an airport with a story. My last blog began the morning of the start of my trip to SA. Even that was a story on its own. The 45 minutes of sleep to begin my travels. The 4:45 am cab ride. The power failure on the plane while taxi-ing before takeoff. Then, the fantastic birthday surprise of my beloved Juanathan! It worked out perfectly, thanks to everyone’s help keeping quiet, especially Chef Steph! The rest of the week to come was just as perfect. Time with the family was spectacular (as always!). I got to see nearly all of my gorgeous San Antonio friends. I partied like it was… well… last year, 2009. We roadtripped to Austin. Hit up all the best food joints in town. Everything was perfect, simple as that.
And then…. It happened.
It pains me to say this, but on that fateful 19th of July, I hit the quarter of a century benchmark in my life. I’m sorry, let’s just take a moment to really take this in. A quarter of a century… Halfway between 20 and 30... the start of being in my “late twenties.” It just hurts my heart to think about. I just recently graduated in my brain from voting age to legal drinking age. I feel like I’ll mentally stay around 22 for a few more years. Some people like their birthday every year at our age. They feel more mature. They feel wiser. They feel successful. I just feel… old. I know I’m not, but I can’t help it. I explained to someone that I will fully accept my age and mature to that number the day that I’m a successful professional, when I’m a contributing member of society, and I’m 100% self-sustaining. Until then, I’m 22 and I’m sticking to it!
I must say, my birthday was pretty awesome. I’m so glad I got to see everyone, both friends and family. Really, overall, the trip was what I would consider a MAJOR success. And, of course, to be expected, it was incredibly hard to leave. Never fails. That beautiful city right in the center of the greatest state in all the land will always have a hold on my heart like no other. No matter where I reside for the rest of my life, San Antonio will ALWAYS be home.
Alas, I had to get back to “DO WORK, SON!!!” That’s exactly what I’ve been doing, or trying to do. I jumped back into the city head first, ready to attack the job market and make something happen. I was warmly welcomed with interviews, career fairs, and more opportunities than I had when I left. At the same time, I have not forgotten to take a step back in the evenings and remember where I live. After all, this whole blog is about ME and NYC. As depressed as I was to leave SA, all I really have to do is walk around and open my eyes to see my surroundings here and feel better. It’s a cure all. This city, with all of its quirks, is so unique and becoming more comfortable every single day. I’ve been doing quite well meeting new, friendly faces and venturing out to see extraordinary sights I never knew existed. Every day is an adventure right now. Every day feels so new, not monotonous. It’s like the beginning of a relationship. New York and I are in our honeymoon phase and that isn’t changing anytime soon. I’m learning so much about this city, and it’s learning about me. I’ve been here about a month and a half and it’s really starting to feel like home. I get to the apt on a regular basis with a warm welcome by my lovely neighbors. They’re kind enough to check in and ask how everything is going. Even short conversation makes me feel like I belong, definitely more than I did a month and a half ago when they looked at me and Leya like we were from the moon. Every day I love my roommate more and more. I really cannot go on enough about this guy. He truly is a blessing, to say the least. He’s made this adaption so much easier, and I’m incredibly fortunate to have stumbled upon his craigslist ad! Haha
All in all, I just feel great. I’m kind of in this cloud 9 stage where the world just looks better to me. The food and drinks taste better. The air smells better. The music sounds better. The subway ride isn’t as troublesome (with the exception of last Friday. The L train was PURE EVIL!!!!!). I think everyone should move away on their own to a different city at some point in their life, if even for a few months. I think it’s a great way to evolve and learn about yourself and the world. The more obstacles you encounter and overcome on your own, the better off you’ll be. For every problem that arises, you’ll benefit tenfold from the knowledge and experience acquired. Now I feel like I’m lecturing, but really, it’s just how I see it. That being said, I’ll move on swiftly and try to wrap this thing up with a short week in review!

(Sidenote: Joao Gilberto is playing over the stereo in the coffee shop now. I really adore this place. Like really really reeeeeally adore it.)

Wednesday: Arrived back in the city. What a torturous experience. I think someone was screwing with my life that day. Maybe it was bad karma for being so hungover from the night before… correction, week before. Alas, after a very long day of traveling, I was finally home in my cozy apartment.
Thursday: FIGHT WITH SPRINT DAY! For the billionth time. We got it fixed. We’re cool again. Also, “Venture Through Manhattan, Stumble Upon A Movie Set, Chill At Grand Central Station, Accidentally Run Into The Empire State Building, And Remember Why You Love This City So Freakin’ Much” Day.
Friday: Horrific experience with the L train. Again, someone was screwing with my life. 15 minutes late to my 2nd interview at Apple. That’s looking to have not turned out pretty.
Saturday: Street Markets. Street Markets. Street Markets. Lovely set up in Greenwich Village. Reminded me of Notting Hill’s market on Saturdays. Also, birthday dinner at Fornino’s in Williamsburg with the roomie and Hector. Two exceptional gents, if I do say so myself. As for Fornino’s, I will most definitely be frequenting that place from now on. That pizza was pure brilliance, and the sangria was outstanding. If you visit me in NYC, we’re going there!
Sunday: Legit fish & chips in Greenwich Village. No really, all the workers are Brits. This place is super legit. Their accents were just a bonus to the heaven on a plate that they serve. Caught a flick after that: “The Kids Are All Right.” It was good. Not necessarily what I was expecting considering I didn’t know much about the movie ahead of time, but it was definitely good.
Monday: Career fair! YAY! Wait… no… maybe not so YAY. Unless you consider paying 30 bucks to stand in line for hours for someone to tell you to go online and check out their positions available a ‘YAY’ kind of time. I don’t. I DO, however, definitely consider talking face to face with someone from Universal Music Group and them accepting my resume and taking particular notice to it a ‘YAY’ moment! Cloud 9.
Tuesday: Job hunt. All day long. Then time to party. Karaoke to be exact. Fugees, Billy Joel, and Spice Girls. Yessss, it was pretty sweet!

Okay I’m done. That was definitely quite a long post, but after 2 weeks, what did you expect? I’m going to try to keep to my vow to Blogspot to be a little more faithful and update more frequently as always. Otherwise, you will all have no choice but to read a novel every so often. So, hopefully you’ve read most of this, or skimmed at least, and enjoyed! Happy reading to you all! J

PS - Sorry now pics/video this time, guys. My phone isn't cooperating, and I don't have pics from a regular camera. I contemplated stealing other peoples pictures just for the sake of posting things, but that just wouldn't be right, would it? :/

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