Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hooray for still posting on my blog! :)

Blogspot is being super lame so all the pics are out of order.... sorry.

Magnolia Bakery in Rockefeller Center. Made famous by Sex And The City.

Sorry for the delay again, guys. It's been an extremely busy week and a half. And without my phone, life was miserable. Luckily I went to DC to keep my brain occupied (though the phone would have helped tremendously on the bus. Soooooo boring). We actually watched the 4th of July fireworks at the Lincoln memorial, over the national monument! It was a truly spectacular sight that should be experienced by all. The 4th of the July has really only ever been special to me bc of my cousin's (Lil Marty) birthday. Like I said, fireworks always get me, but the holiday itself isn't that intriguing to me. Spending the day at the capital definitely changed my mind. It's just that much cooler knowing the White House (and OBAMA!!!!) were only a few steps away. Ugh, I love that man. I'll spare you my thoughts. I was just really happy to see two of my best friends in DC. Considering how long it had been since we all hung out, it was a fine reunion in a pretty awesome city. Chinatown at night is sweet! Free drinks are also pretty sweet. As are Irish pubs in Chinatown. So legit. Haha Overall, the most patriotic moment of the weekend was definitely my bomb pop. Who doesn't love red, white and blue frozen goodness on a stick? Amazing.

It was surprise how nice returning to NYC was. I can honestly say it felt good to be "home." I really shouldn't put that word in quotations. This city is home now. I've officially been here over a month! It's gone by so fast, but it's been so great so far. A few rough moments here and there, but I really have to stay optimistic. I'm meeting wonderful people and, really, livin the life! Sometimes I walk around, look up, see something especially cool, think to myself "woah, it would be so awesome to
live here!" then I realize... I DO!!!!!! Such a weird feeling. If I was a bit cheesier, I'd purchase an "I NY" shirt. I think I can do without for now. NYC knows I love it.
This past weekend was pretty spectacular as well:

Thurs: Finally a roomie dinner! We went to this cool asian restaurant in the East Village. I wish I could remember the name. All I know is I had trouble pronouncing it. Whatever it was, it was good!! We shared 2 appetizers, a bottle of sake, and each had a meal for 23 bucks a piece! Great deal!!!
Friday: Hit up happy hour with Nicola. Once again, I forget the name of the place, but it was just
north of union square. Very good mojitos! Then we went to one of the coolest places I've been to in NYC. It's called the Frying Pan. Whoever is visiting me is definitely going there! It was a bar/restuarant/club on a boat! A BOAT! Located on the Hudson, overlook an extraordinarly gorgeous NYC skyline at night. The view from the 2nd floor of the boat was truly breathtaking. I think
I'll be frequenting this bar quite a bit.

Saturday: Mandi got into town, a bit later than intended, but we we able to galavant around the Upper West Side bars with the NYU kids. Again, free drinks from the waitress at our bar. Fun night.

Sunday: Brunch at Half Pint. It was quite delicious if I do say so myself. Then we moved on over to the East Village for drinks and World Cup futbol at the Village Pourhouse with Renaldy, Vinyetta, and Christine. It was nice to see Espana win. Next, I introduced Mandi to the wonderful world of BOBO TEA!!!!! Typical response... she didn't HATE it. She thought it was good, but didn't love it either. Never fails, but then they always become bobo tea lovers. Mmmm I love that stuff. Spend the rest of the afternoon wandering around Chinatown then back up through Greenwich. We had an extremely shady experience in Chinatown. All I know is, if a random person on the street asks you if you want "Gucci, Prada, Dolce & Gabbana" then just keep walking. Those people are so freakin
shady!!!! You'll end up walking four blocks in the opposite direction into a group of Asians with cell phones and walkie talkies, strategically placed to look for cops. Then one hands you a paper and tells you to pick a bag. Once you pick the bag, they show it to a little man and he runs off. As you start to get anxious and nervous that the popo might bust out of the corner, you show your emotion, and ask to call off the deal. The persistent psycho lady assures you her little friend will be back in one minute. Seriously? One minute? You said that 15 minutes ago. Okay, the whole thing may have taken all of 5 minutes, but it surely felt like an eternity. Finally, the man runs around the corner with a purse in a bag. The rest is up to you.... whether you pay for it or not. Ahh, shady Chinatown, you are always a good time. Our anxiety from our illegal endeavors quickly vanished upon receiving our pizza at Numero 28. Very good Napoli style pizza. I wouldn't mind going back. Last but not least, busy Sunday.... we hit up Magnolia Bakery for CUPCAKES! However, we waited to devour them until we arrived at the pier in Brooklyn overlooking the Brooklyn Bridge. Ugh, what a gorgeous evening it was (definitely one of those "can't believe I LIVE here" moments). It was definitely a great Sunday.

This is from tonight at the bowling alley. I hate blogspot so much right now.

Monday: We hung out in Central Park and hit up Rockefeller Plaza before Mandi had to return back to DC. Sad day.

Tonight: Met Renaldy and friends at Bowlmore for a little Manhattan bowling. It was cosmic bowling, which is always fun, however, the bill for 107 bucks was not so fun... eek :/ On the way out, I noticed magazine shots from this specific place. Apparently Paris Hilton brought her chimp there, and Michael Phelps visited as well. I guess it's actually some celeb place to bowl. Still insanely expensive... No thanks. Followed up bowling with Despicable Me. What a great movie!!!! It's kinda like Up! but even funnier. I really loved it!!! I hope everyone goes and sees it if they get a chance, if you haven't already!

Alright, time to wrap this up, my brain is fried.... I woke up early for an interview (cross your fingers) this morning, and didn't nap nap nap-a-roo like I originally planned. And it's almost 3 am... sooooooooo that being said, I hope all of you have a lovely evening (or day, depending on when you read) and another birthday shout out to my Juanathan!!! Hope you have an AMAZING birthday!!!!!!!!!! I miss you like crazy, my fwend!!!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!

Rant of the day! Hollahollaholla:
As I walked to the subway station today, some dude stopped me and called me "mami." Needless to say, he did not get the response he was looking for. I'm pretty sure they need to add an extra class per day in grade school on ettiquette starting at a very young age. I don't get it. Who taught these boys to talk to girls like that? In the history of mankind, has there EVER been a documented case of a sober female who responded in an even remotely positive manner?? Seriously, if you have a story about this actually ever happening, let me know. I honestly do not know a single girl who finds the infamous "holler" attempt flattering in the least.

Enjoying a Red Velvet cupcake from Magnolia in Rockefeller Plaza. They're good but... too much sugar.... ugh, that's not good. :/

View from the pier in Brooklyn of the Brooklyn Bridge.

View of the Manhattan skyline from the Frying Pan. It's really beautiful in person.

Sorry that was so out of order....... stupid blogspot.

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