Saturday, August 7, 2010

WORK?!?! I Didn't Come To NYC to Work! :)

Juuuuuust kidding. Of course I came to this beautiful chaotic city to work!!!! Did you think I came here solely to galavant and party? Okay, well, I can see where you may have gotten that idea. But the fact of the matter is I've been bustin' my butt to get the slightest bit of hope that I actually belong here, and guess what, I ended up with 2 gigs! They have no idea what they're getting themselves into. haha

In case you hadn't heard, I will now be working at both Apple and Big Hassle Media. Apple just pulled through at the last minute, but I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty psyched they did! I'll start there next week. I actually already started with the music company yesterday! It was fantastic! They had me working on pretty legit projects on my first day, which shows me possibly one of 2 things: 1) they trust my work/capabilities already and that's good news for me, or 2) they were insanely swamped with work and needed any help they can get! I'd like to think it was a little more from the first choice, but it very well may have been the latter. Either way, it was great! I'm so eager and enthusiastic about anything relating to music. I am the epitome of a music nerd! If you see me as a slacker who procrastinates and is pretty apathetic about anything remotely serious in life, well, you're wrong. I care about music. Who needs the rest?! haha More so, I'm enthusiastic about this particular company! They do amazing work and represent amazing bands and I am so much more than thrilled to be a small part of it! I could go on for days... really... actually, I have gone on for days! I just hadn't blogged about it yet. I think you're getting the basic gist of it for now though.

Then there's Apple. After applying 2 months ago, and going through the most outrageous interview process of all time, they finally decided to offer me a job! Woot woot! Employee discount, here I come! haha Well, I'm actually excited about this gig for more than just the sweet discount on pretty sweet products. I'm super psyched to meet the other employees and be a part of such a fantastic company to work for. They treat their employees quite well, and for the most part, they're just passionate about what they do. Also, many of the employees happen to be more in tune with the creative part of the brain. I don't know which side. I'm into the creative side as well, not science. Knowing the parts of the brain would be too much science for this kid. haha  Yeah, it really is sad. Anyways, seriously, I want to get to know artists and film editors and musicians and photographers! I can't wait! There's bound to be a cool kid or two employed at that location.

Speaking of location, both of these jobs are in siiiiiiiiick parts of town! Apple @ W. 14th St and 9th Ave between Chelsea and the Meatpacking District. Snazzy! And Big Hassle is straight up ballin' on Wall St! What what!!! I get to wear jeans and sneaks into a building where everyone is wearing suits and ties. Suckas. hahaha they're both awesome parts of town that I'm anxious to learn my way around!

Can you tell that I'm ecstatic? Just a little? Well, I am! BIG TIME! But I think it's enough talk about work, I don't want to bore. Let's get some pics up!

Now, I've been snapping a few shots around town then coming home only to be ultra nerdy and photoshop all night. Here are a couple of my faves right now. I'm actually taking feedback about these and would LOVE to know what yall think. Which one is your favorite? Do they look over-edited? Honesty is key here, folks!  So here we go:

Possible T-Shirt Image



Original Pic

Sorry they're all so small. Place your votes, please! Which one do you like best, if any??

Like I said, I've been spending a lot of time playing with Photoshop lately, so I will definitely be posting more of those images soon. Looks like you'll just have keep checking in for more awesome pics from around town. Soon to come, cliche Times Square pics. Yaaaayyyyyy! haha I suppose that's all for now. Brief post in comparison to previous posts. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been so supportive through my search for work. Seriously, I know I still don't have my dream job just yet, but I'm working on it. And a lot of people didn't even think I'd get what I have now. So to those of you who fit in that category, always happy to prove you wrong. For the rest of you who have been optimistic even when I wasn't so much, I genuinely thank you. I have the best friends and family in the world!!!! :) Aight, kids, I'm out!

Latest Count---Aug 2010: NIK 1 - NYC 1

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