Friday, June 18, 2010

Well hello there, world! (Jen) haha

Ahh, Friday. I wish I could share the same enthusiasm for you as everyone else, but I just don't. Don't get me wrong, Friday, I like you and everything. It's just that everyday further into the week is another day I don't have a job. Someday I'll look back and wish I had enjoyed this time more, so with that being said, I'm making it my mission to enjoy the day!!! Friday, I vow to love you just as much as everyone else today. First, I shall blog (I started this at halftime of the USA vs Slovenia game, I don't foresee this being done until well after the game. Thanks to my ADD)

It's been just over a week here in the Big Apple (well, Brooklyn). I've quickly adapted to falling asleep to the sweet sweet sounds of sirens. I live right next to a hospital and police dept. Also, my overwhelmingly Puerto Rican 'hood makes for an especially interesting mix of sounds, ranging from the "dum dadum da, dum dadum da" repetitive beat of reggaeton to the constant unnecessary screaming about god knows what. Honestly, I don't even think the people yelling know what they're screaming about.... Oh well, soon I'm sure I too will be proudly touting a PR flag around my neck, draped like a cape, perhaps some PR flag sunglasses. Maybe a big belt buckle. Perhaps a customized pair of Nike ID's with the PR flag on them? Too far? Yeah. Just a little. I'm just trying to fit in, and maybe prep for next year's Puerto Rican day parade in NYC --
- Look it up. It's totally real!!!! Other than that, the neighborhood is cool, I really like my neighbors. Very polite, and seem to look out for each other. Feels surprisingly safe considering all the graffiti and such around. Could be worse...

(Insert break to finish watching this match without typing obscenities on my blog because of how outrageous these calls during this game are!!!! OMG!!!! C'mon, USA!!!!! C'mon, refs!! Quit screwing us over!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!) <---- My apologies for the outburst. It could have been worse.

After a pretty eventful week of galavanting with Leya, my second week has been much more low key. Why? Oh, probably because I have to find a job. haha Have no fear, though, kids. I'm definitely looking. Being in the city makes me want a job more than ever. I want a purpose here. I don't mind all these random excursions around town as I get used to my surroundings, but ultimately, I just want to work. I want to be in the music business already. I want to feel important. I want to be a baller, like Jen or Heather. Okay, maybe not that far just yet, but soon!!! I just want to do what I came here to do, and that's music. So let's get the ball rolling, so I can make money.... and buy all the sneakers I want (and trust me... there are LOTS of sneakers in this city that I want!). haha :)

Speaking of sneakers! My roommate is the king of sweet kicks!!! He's got billions (ok, maybe like... 50) of pairs of sneaks, and I want them all. Too bad he's a size 13 or something. Maybe I can fit both my feet in one shoe and hop around. Maybe not. Other than his incredibly amazing taste in athletic footwear, he's just an all around great guy! Extremely hospitable, quite outgoing, muy importante (he manages dj's), and just a fun person to be around. He's been a big help in getting me settled in comfortably. I really like just hanging around the apartment in the evenings with him. Makes this place feel like home. Perhaps I'll stay in BK a little longer than I intended. We'll see.

As for today, I'm feeling a bit better (been sick the past few days), but not trying to test my luck too much. The day is gorgeous, I can't help but want to go for a run in Central Park. So, run in Central Park is what I shall do. I'll probably just chill out there for a bit as well. Enjoy the sun while I still can. I really want to play tennis, and use my new tennis shoes I bought last week. I need to find a partner asap. I think that's enough reading material for the day, kids. Maybe on my way out, I'll take a few pics of the wall art around the neighborhood so you can get a better feel for my lovely view off the L train. Until next time, I bid you all adieu.

Here's a quick view of my tiny room for now. Nothing special, but gets the job done.

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