Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Blog 2: Attempt 486.... Let's see if I finish this time!

For some reason, I've had a mighty case of writer's block lately (or perhaps just pure laziness) and have been unable to produce my second blog entry for a few days. That's a bad sign for blogs to come if I'm having such trouble this early on. OR MAYBE it's a good sign that I can fight the laziness off and still toss up a decent blog in less than a week! Let's give this another try, shall we? Here we go...

Well kids, it's Tuesday, June 22. As of 6 pm tomorrow I will have been a New York resident for 2 whole weeks!!! Exciting? Ehh, it is for me! Let me enjoy this a little while. I'm now done with one week completely solo. That makes me sound like a loser, but what I meant was basically I've been galavanting around this crazy city without my best fwend, Leya. Luckily, I've picked up a bit of company along the way. In case the beginning of this paragraph hasn't captured your attention, the next bit should. Ladies and gentlemen, I've made a couple friends here! OMG! *gasp!* (wait wait... that's not the interesting part.... here comes the good stuff! So good, I'm starting a new paragraph)

I made fwends thanks to my MOM! haha It's like a 'your mom' joke, but it's no joke at all, sadly. Anyways, somehow through my mom and friends of the family from church, I was connected with a girl in NYC. Apparently they gave her my info and she was cool enough to holler holler holler and invite me to Oscar Award Winning Movie Sunday with her crew. I felt like Paul Rudd in 'I Love You, Man' where his mom sets him up with that dude to make friends! (his night definitely took a different turn than mine luckily! haha) However, it turns out they're really cool kids! Plus, if you know me at all, you know I'm always down for meeting new people. Anyways, we watched Titanic. I know what you're thinking.... Best movie EVER! haha Not really. But it was definitely fun just getting to know a few new folks. Hopefully more eventful news to come from this group soon. We'll see.

Ahh, I feel like that was the most exciting part of the blog. I gotta step up my game for the rest of this. How can I make you readers happy? Oh! I know!


I had a few complaints that the last entry was too long, so for you kids who don't like to read, we'll set this up like a picture book and sum up the past few days with Twitter-like explanations:

Thurs night: In my last blog, I forgot to mention my near death experience. Apparently cab drivers in Brooklyn NEVER know where anything is and my driver was more intrigued by lame conversation than reading road signs. A) He asked ME for directions... WTF, dude? I thought that's what GPS is for! and B) He ended up in a one way road going the WRONG DIRECTION!!!! Buses, cars, and cabs were all coming straight at us. I saw my life flash before my eyes. You were all there. That's love! Anyways, I lived to blog another day. Phew! Thanks, Mr. driver from the video game Crazy Taxi! Jeeeeeeeze! (that was actually the brief version....)

Friday: Went for a run in Central Park and accidentally stumbled upon this little diamond. That's right, the Guggenheim! Sa-weeeeet! Didn't go in... I was sweaty and gross.... :/

Saturday: Took a nice trip out to the American Museum of Natural History. (NERD ALERT!) Ran into my good ol' dancing partner, Mr. T-Rex. In case you haven't seen me do my sweet T-Rex moves, I might have to upload a video of that. If you're lucky...

Sunday: Hit up Puma City to watch Brazil vs Ivory Coast. Lots of Brazil fans. Lots of soccer craziness. Definitely a good time!

Alright, for playing along and making it this far, you also get a video! HOORAY! So basically, in this video, this complete moron was drunk out of his mind and decided to play human foosball. Watch and learn why that's a bad idea, in case for some strange reason you didn't already know. Sidenote: Playing any sport while drunk is probably a poor choice, made worse by trying to play with a vuvuzela in hand. Just watch:


And of course Monday: I was on house arrest for the day waiting for my new a/c unit to arrive. Little did I know, it REALLY sucks trying to install one of those things on a window when you live on the 2nd floor. There are just trash cans outside below my room, but with my luck, when I install it, there will be a garbage man out there, or perhaps a puppy looking for food. And BAM! There goes my a/c unit. So, I'm waiting for the apt handy man to do it for me. So much for girl power....

That's about all for now. I have a pretty exciting day tomorrow, so I will more than likely blog about it tomorrow night or Thurs morning. I hope everyone will be watching our boys battle it out against Algeria tomorrow at 10 am EST! If the officiating is anywhere near as bad as the last game, I quit you, World Cup! That's a serious threat there! Alright, hope you enjoyed the latest blog. I tried to be as brief as possible. Until next time, folks! :)

1 comment:

  1. Alright! I'm your first comment! Keep sharing sis, looking forward to hearing more details.
